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Birsch Sanitizer 512, Professional Use-02/01/2004


Products in this Consumer Product Information Database (CPID) are classified based on their composition:
Substances: single chemicals
Preparations: products which contain chemicals that can be easily separated during normal use
Articles: products or product assemblies that do not contain chemicals that can be separated out from the product or assembly under normal or advertised use.



Indicates country where product is sold.

EPA Registration No:  1839-86-13967
Brand Information
Date entered: January 25, 2015

Birsch Sanitizer 512 is designed for use in hospitals, nursing homes, hotels, schools, homes, athletic/recreational facilities/tanning spas, food service establishments, restaurants, bars, animal quarters and kennels where sanitization and deodorization is of prime importance. Formulated for 3rd sink food contact surface sanitization.

Purpose of product.

Sanitizing hardsurface cleaner

Structure such as solid, liquid, aerosol etc.

Customer Service No: 888-622-0356
Manufacturer Information

Date when validity of Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or Safety Data Sheet (SDS) was last verified.

Date verified: February 15, 2024
Birsch Industries

476 Viking Drive, Suite 102  
Virginia Beach VA 23452

888-622-0356 757-625-7552
888-622-0356 (TOLL FREE)